Viv Holt (by Sara)

Viv is my little sister and I like her a lot. She’s a mother, a gardener, a runner, she keeps a dog, several fish, sheep, ducks, chickens and a yabby named Murphy, and she’s a paramedic who seems to save people’s lives on a daily basis (with great dinner party stories). She has always been fond of science fiction books but has been sidetracked with medical dictionaries for a while. She’s back on track now with an apocalyptic reading list. Her all-time favourite books are LOTR, the Stig Larsson and The Ender series.


Patricia Bell (by Sara)

Patricia Bell has been utterly delightful since I met her in 1987 in our fervent, earnest youth (she was 17, I was 20), when we were both contending for the ‘biggest hair’ title. She has always made me laugh―sometimes until I pee―which I suspect is related to her Irish heritage. She’s a really bright button with degrees in French and English, she’s a blogger (blogsite here), a proofreader, a writer, a mother, a singer, and actor, and my friend. I adore her.